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If you’re interested in adding custom code to enhance your interactive images, there are several methods that can be utilized to do so.

Feel free to take a look at our Styling with CSS and Customizing with PHP guides.

Adding CSS Snippets

Adding to Customizer

To add the CSS snippets to your theme, you can head on over to your WordPress Admin Dashboard > Appearance > Customize.

Once the Customizer is open, scroll on to where it says Additional CSS. This is where you can paste and save your CSS snippets.

Screenshot depicting Additional CSS location.

Using the Simple Custom CSS and JS Plugin

In cases where you are using a block theme (like Twenty Twenty-Two) that prevents the use of the Customizer, a plugin for adding custom CSS can come in handy.

1. Setting up the plugin

Start by installing and activating the plugin Simple Custom CSS and JS within Plugins > Add New.

Simple Custom CSS and JS

2. Add CSS Code

Once it has been set up, head to your WordPress Admin Dashboard > Custom CSS & JS, and click the Add CSS Code button at the top.

Now you can copy and paste your desired CSS snippets to modify your interactive image experience.

Add CSS code

Adding PHP Snippets

Add to functions.php

If you’re comfortable adding PHP to your functions.php file, you can head to your WordPress Admin Dashboard > Appearance > Theme File Editor.

From here, you can locate your functions.php file and paste the PHP snippets here, preferably between the PHP beginning and closing tags.

Add the PHP snippets to functions.php in the theme

Using the Code Snippets Plugin

1. Setting up the Plugin

Start by installing and activating the Code Snippets plugin within Plugins > Add New.

Code snippets plugin

2. Add New Snippet

Head to your WordPress Admin Dashboard > Snippets, and click Add New.

You’ll now see an editor to add your custom PHP to. Make sure to remain on the Functions (PHP) tab while adding your code.

Once you’re done, you can press the button labeled Save Changes and Activate.

Add new snippet via Functions PHP tab

Using the WP Header and Footer Plugin

1. Setting up the Plugin

Start by installing and activating the WP Header & Footer plugin within Plugins > Add New.

WPCode - Insert headers and footers + custom code snippets - WordPress code manager plugin

2. Add New Snippet

Head to your WordPress Admin Dashboard > Code Snippets, and click Add New.

Within the Add Snippets, you’ll want to click Add Your Custom Code.

Add your Custom Code

3. Activate Snippet

After you have created a new snippet, you’ll want to copy and paste the PHP snippets into the editor, and change the code type to PHP Snippet.

Once you’ve done this, you can click the toggle next to the Save Snippet button to switch it to active, and save your changes.

Set snippet to ACTIVE and code type to PHP SNIPPET

This handy guide also goes into detail about adding snippets to your site.

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