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This guide applies to:

  • Basic
  • Professional


When previewing your image, you may receive the JavaScript error below.  This error may appear for a few seconds but then disappear.

If the message disappears, then no further action is needed.

The Message Still Persists

If this message stays on the screen, then simply click the link to the “help page” and follow the instructions.  This should take you to our Plugin and Theme conflicts guide in our help center.

NOTE:  This error is only visible to those who are logged in as administrators.  Visitors to your site will never see this error.

A JavaScript error message detailing that there is a javascript error in a plugin or theme that is causing a conflict with Draw Attention.

Please consider using Plugin Detective to also help narrow down the conflict.

Still stuck?

File a support ticket with our five-star support team to get more help.

File a ticket

  • Please provide any information that will be helpful in helping you get your issue fixed. What have you tried already? What results did you expect? What did you get instead?
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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