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This guide applies to:

  • Basic
  • Professional


This guide will outline a workaround designed for people who would like to use the Hover option to show a tooltip/lightbox to Show More Info and allow the user to Go To URL upon Clicking the hotspot.

At this time, the only actions available for hotspots are to open a URL OR show more information—but not both.

This would involve the use of:

  • The Professional edition of Draw Attention
  • Lightbox layout OR Tooltip Layout with the Click action
  • A page builder or plugin that allows you to create buttons

Setting the Layout

Let’s start by making sure that the Draw Attention interactive image layout is set to Lightbox or Tooltip. These layouts will work best as it will allow users to click the hotspot to open a popup.

Select Lightbox or Tooltip layout

We will note that if you’re utilizing the Tooltip layout, you MUST use the Click action. The Hover action WILL NOT allow users to select or click within the hotspot’s description.

Creating the Link

The fun part comes next! To add a link, head on over to hotspot of your choice and add in some text within the Description area. Using the editor, you’ll be able to highlight the text you wish to transform into a link and enter the URL.

Create your link

If you’d like to use a button instead, you could use a page builder to create one if it offers any shortcodes for the buttons. Or, you could utilize a nifty plugin for creating a button with a shortcode. For example, Max Buttons would allow you to create a button and display it using a shortcode.

Shortcode implemented in editor

Now, let’s go ahead and test out how this works…

Button appears in pop-up

Sweet! This workaround, while not being the most perfect, does offer a loophole with the actions.

If you need a refresher on what certain settings and options do within the interactive image editor, feel free to check this guide out.

Still stuck?

File a support ticket with our five-star support team to get more help.

File a ticket

  • Please provide any information that will be helpful in helping you get your issue fixed. What have you tried already? What results did you expect? What did you get instead?
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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