“You need to define some clickable areas” Error
In this guide
Sometimes excitement gets the best of us, and a foreboding error message appears that states: “you need to define some clickable areas for your image”. But, there is no need to worry; this just means an interactive image is being viewed with no hotspots.

If you haven’t yet, learn how to create your first interactive image.
Getting Started
To make your first clickable area, you need to…
1. Expand the First Clickable Area Tab
Expand the first tab in the “Hotspot Areas” section.

2. Draw your shape
If you created a polygon, you can use the edit tool to click and drag the points, or just click on a point to remove it.
[Drawing tool guide link here]

3. Name the hotspot
Give the hotspot area a name by entering in the title.

4. Publish or Update Your Interactive Image
Click the Publish/Update button in the upper right.

5. Preview Image
View the image on the front end of your site.

Interested in learning more about what each setting does? Take a look at our interactive image editor guide.
But the error message still persists!
If you have defined clickable areas for your image, but are still seeing that you need to define some clickable areas, please check that:
- The very first area has a shape drawn. Sometimes, it’s easy to skip the first area and to draw on other areas.
- The interactive image is saved and the status is Published.
- The interactive image isn’t Private.
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